If it Ain't Fun, Don't Do it

Dating is hard if you aren't having fun. It's down right exhausting. This summer I've been struggling a bit with:

1) seeking out many meaningful dating experiences that may lead to my soul mate/life partner/emotionally available boyfriend;

2) trying to complete this 100 dates project before my ovaries dry up; and

3) Going with my gut and knowing when to take a break

As my friend says: "Lady, you're a dating machine. Well, this machine is tired, needs a tune-up and some rest and relaxation. It's summer after all.

I recently made a mental agreement with myself to take a break after date #50. It's a nice round number and the half-way point to project completion. But then I found myself dreading going online to my Match and OkCupid accounts. I flaked out on several men, which really isn't like me.

Now, without further ado, I announce to the world (you!) that I'm taking a break after #49, which happened last week. Don't worry, I'm not taking a break from blogging just online dating. I'm still more than happy to go on an offline date (any takers?).

In others new I've been spending time with Brian. By spending time I mean:
  • Texting daily
  • Playing Scrabble via smart phone (talking smack in between turns)
  • Seeing a movie (last week)
  • Drinking drinks (tonight)
  • Road tripping it upstate to an art exhibit (this weekend)
Please stay tuned for more detailed details.