I spent $20 and all i got was this lousy...

Palm reading.

A scam, of course. But could be fun, if I'm made to feel as though it's not a scam. So one balmy night, three friends and I wandered up some sketchy staircase off Sixth avenue to see Miss Julia. It was my first time.

Here's the earth shattering truth all found in the palm of my hand in 5 minutes!
  • I'm an honest person. Yes.
  • I come from a good mother. True.
  • I have many jealous friends around me. Who doesn't?
  • Someone cares about me very, very much. A man. No kidding.
  • I have much negativity in my love life. Who doesn't?
  • I should have been married by now. Well, i coulda been to the wrong guy, Mr. Runaway Ex. No thanks.
For more $20 bills she can really help me work through my negative love life. No thanks. I have a blog for that.